The team at Sodexo Live! worked closely with folks at Tim Horton’s Field to create an exciting and memorable menu of food to appease football fans from across the country. From duck wings to bacon-infused Caesar beverages, there’s a snack for every flavour profile. Our Xposure team worked with the local Sodexo Live! team to host a media tasting and facility tour ahead of the big Grey Cup game. Strong coverage of the event in advance helped to sell out the event, including a great piece on CHCH.
Winter tires make our Canadian roads safer. Working closely with the Tire and Rubber Association of Canada the Xposure PR team created an awareness campaign that focused on results from a Leger Marketing consumer poll. With inflation being a hot topic across the country, our team anticipated the affordability issue would be popular, however there was also concern about media fatigue. A “climate-focused” question was added to the survey to supplement the news value and offer a new media angle. Adding a new perspective was a good idea. About half of the earned coverage focused on affordability while the other focused on changing weather patterns and how that affects winter driving.
The 2023 campaign was highly successful with broad coverage across the country on online, TV and radio media outlets. CTV’s Consumer Alert with Pat Foran ran on several CTV stations.